Open Enrollment Year Round!

Mission Statement
Our Lady of the Rosary School Inc is an international Catholic homeschool organization which offers complete curriculums for students from grades pre-kindergarten through twelve. Our Lady of the Rosary School Inc is more than simply a school, however. We are an apostolate dedicated to saving the souls of children by giving them the opportunity to receive a superior, truly Catholic education in the best possible environment - the home.
Our mission is to help parents teach their children the Catholic Faith in its entirety using sound Catholic educational materials, covering all subjects. We have been helping parents educate their children since 1983, providing them with the materials they need to give their children a sound, well-rounded, exceptional Catholic education. This Catholic education helps prepare children for further academic growth and development in the safe, wholesome environment of their own home.

Why Should you Enroll in OLRS?
Our Lady of the Rosary School is a Pre-kindergarten - 12th Grade Catholic Homeschool that focuses on students and parents working on their schooling hand in hand.
Our Lady of the Rosary School offers religion courses for every grade level as well as elective courses for extra religion learning.
Dedicated Teachers
Our Lady of the Rosary School has dedicated teachers that cover Pre-K - 12th Grade who grades students exams, as well as help the students succeed.
Students can do their school work from anywhere but they are not online classes. Textbooks are shipped to students. Quarterly exams completed by students are returned to the school for grading.

About OLRS
Our Lady of the Rosary School provides traditional Catholic curriculum to families who want to homeschool. We offer curriculum / textbooks for grades Pre-K through 12th grade. This is not an online school. You will receive textbooks, teacher’s manuals, lesson plans, and grading services. High school students who earn a minimum of 22 credits of selective required courses will earn a high school diploma. Our Lady of the Rosary school is accredited through NISAC (National Independent Accreditation Council). Call today to talk with a counselor and we would be glad to help you with placing an order. Financial monthly plans available (after initial deposit of $300.00 per grade) for those who qualify.
Get in Touch
Our Location:
972 Bloomfield Rd. Suite A, Bardstown, KY 40004
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